Thursday 13 November 2008

The sickness of man

I feel numb today. It seems everywhere I look there are examples of abuse and torture going on. I'm not so shut-off from reality that I had no idea that stuff like this was happening, but like most people I wish I could have ignored it. I wish I could turn a blind eye and go back to believing that the world is a perfect, peaceful place. But I can't. Ignorance is bliss and I would much rather go back to that blissful place, but you can never undo what the eyes have seen.

"Baby P", as they are calling him died on August 3rd after years of torture and abuse at the hands of his Mother and her partners. "Baby P" was only 17 months old. It makes me so sick and angry that there are people like this out there. And you know what, the Mother has just recently given birth to another baby and is demanding access, believing that she will probably be out of jail in time for Christmas. And the sad thing is, that will probably be the case.

The justice system in the UK leaves much to be desired, the maximum sentence she will face is 14 years. Just 14, since when has this been a justified amount of time to spend behind bars for taking and torturing the life of a baby?

You can read for yourself about this baby by following the links below, but I warn you its not nice.

This poor boy, only 17 months. I have a son who is 20 months so this is probably what is making my blood boil at the moment. This woman should never be allowed to have kids again, never be allowed to even see the light of day again and hell, if I was the judge she wouldn't even be allowed to breathe again. But she will probably get off on claims of insanity or not being of sound mind. Personally I don't care how crazy you are, murder is murder.


Never Say Never Greyhounds said...

I read your blog! :-) I was hoping to read about life in the UK.... Sad story about the baby. If she didn't want it, she could have left it on anyone's door step.


searching_for_something said...

I agree, its such a waste. And its depressing, but I had to post it, it was on my mind and at lest now I won't forget the poor kid.
Thanks for reading :)