Thursday 20 November 2008


OK, have been browsing around various websites and whatnot and as I am feeling a little frustrated, I now have the need to tackle this issue. I was a believer, I believed. I grew up as a Christian and went to a Catholic school. I got straight A's in Religious Education throughout my whole school life and was by far the best in my year on the subject. I don't think this made me an exceptionally religious person, more that I was good at arguing for both sides of the debate.

Now in my life, I am not quite sure where I stand. I look at my son and think how perfect he is, and the fact that I grew him all by myself inside me, that in itself must be a miracle. At night, I love how the moonlight casts silver shadows over everything, and I think that there must be something out there, someone, anything. Because beauty like this could not simply be by accident.

- And I wonder why, if there is a God out there would he let this suffering go on in his name?

But maybe everything happens for a reason. God must have some plan right? He wouldn't just let this happen right?
But what plan should ever involve the suffering of innocent children? Yes you can tell me that Jesus Christ died for us, but even he had a choice. And he knew what was going to happen to him. These kids are being brutally tortured because so called "Christians" brand them as witches.

Don't misunderstand me. I know that the vast majority of religious people are kind hearted, loving human beings. That, I don't have an issue with. It's the fact that your so called God, allows this sort of thing to go on in his name. Why if he is a miracle worker, does he not stop this? There is no 'Greater Plan' going on here, and if there is I cannot see what it could possibly achieve.

What also bothers me is that if you are not like everyone else, if you do not conform, you are going to Hell. The most obvious example of this is the issue of GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transsexual) people. I cannot believe that over in the United States of America you let Proposition 8 pass. What the heck guys???!!! I mean are you or are you not the country of free will??
I do not see the problem with two consenting adults doing whatever the hell they want. If something is consensual on both parts (I am talking about two adults here) then there should not be a problem, and we have no business butting into that.
Yes you can argue that it's not natural or normal, but everyone on this earth is an individual and therefore different from the rest. None of us are normal, and if it wasn't natural then why would it happen in animals too?
Is God going to send them to Hell as well?

Side note: Did you know that "Hell" was made up by the Church? I knew that, I think everyone knows that. It's like knowing that monks invented alcohol.

But that is all beside the point. I don't know what anyone else thinks but personally I wouldn't want to spend an eternity with a God that sounds so controlling and vengeful. A God who would place two people on this earth then condemn them for loving each other. A God who would let murder and War go on in his name. A God who would let abuse and torture go unpunished.

I am not going to argue that there isn't a God, there may well be. But if there is, he is not good enough for me, for the image of the Lord that I grew up with. He needs to try harder and clean up his act a bit. I expect more from a God, and until he straightens out his act I think I will stand on my own two feet for a while.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting post. I've been having very similar feelings lately. Nice to know that I'm not all alone.

Prop 8 was only up for vote in Califonia. At this point, the Fed Gov't has left the gay marriage issue in the hands of individual states.

Unfortunately, there are many other states that have already banned gay marriage. Oklahoma, where I live, being one of them. This issue was on the ballot in many states in 2004.